You Can’t Be Catholic and Pro-Abortion – Stop Lying to Yourself and Others

You Can’t Be Catholic and Pro-Abortion – Stop Lying to Yourself

You Can’t Be Catholic and Pro-Abortion – Stop Lying to Yourself

Abortion is an intrinsic evil. It is never acceptable—under any circumstances. Yet, many Catholics in America have fallen into the delusion that they can support abortion while still claiming to be Catholic. Let’s be clear: if you believe in abortion, if you advocate for abortion, if you justify abortion under any so-called political “right,” you are committing a mortal sin. And under mortal sin, you will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

This is not an opinion. This is Catholic teaching.

The Crisis in the Catholic Church: Abortion and the Betrayal of the Faith

Every family in America has been affected by abortion. Some have lost children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews to this grave evil. Others have stood by in silence while this horror continues unabated. And yet, in the face of the systematic slaughter of innocent unborn children, many Catholics in America have chosen to elevate their political ideologies over God’s law. This is a disgrace.

Let’s stop sugarcoating the truth: you cannot be Catholic and pro-abortion. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 2271) states unequivocally:

“Since the first century, the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law.”

There is no “nuance” in this. There is no “but what about in this case?” There is no loophole. It is a grave moral evil—always has been and always will be.

Yet, American Catholics have been brainwashed by a secular culture that promotes the lie of “bodily autonomy” over divine authority. They claim, “I’m personally opposed to abortion, but I support a woman’s right to choose.” That is moral cowardice. That is a betrayal of the faith. That is complicity in murder.

The Root of the Abortion Mentality: Selfishness and Moral Decay

The culture of abortion is built on selfishness. It is no different from addiction—whether to drugs, money, or pleasure. The people who support abortion are consumed by a mentality of “I want, I want, I want.” They chase sexual gratification without responsibility. They live for their own selfish desires, and when those desires lead to the natural consequence of pregnancy, they demand a way out.

It’s a lie straight from the devil: You can do whatever you want, and if an innocent child gets in the way, just kill it.

This is the same deception Satan has used since the beginning of time: You can be like God. But no, you cannot. And you will not escape the consequences of defying Him.

Those who advocate for abortion have abandoned all moral clarity. They have embraced an ideology of death. And if they do not repent, they will suffer eternal consequences. Jesus Himself warned:

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 7:21)

Supporting abortion is not doing the will of the Father—it is siding with the enemy of God.

The Failure of Bishops and Priests to Enforce Catholic Teaching

One of the greatest scandals in the modern Church is the failure of many bishops and priests to hold pro-abortion Catholics accountable. We have Catholic politicians, celebrities, and public figures who openly champion abortion while continuing to receive the Eucharist. This is a sacrilege.

Canon Law (Canon 915) is crystal clear: “Those who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.” Yet, we have bishops who refuse to enforce this law. Why? Because they fear human respect more than they fear God. Because they have traded their sacred duty for worldly approval.

This must end.

No Catholic who supports abortion should ever be allowed to receive the Body and Blood of Christ. Period. If they persist in their sin, they should be excommunicated. This is not about politics—it’s about saving souls.

A Call to Action: Catholics Must Stand Up for the Truth

We have allowed this evil to spread for too long. We have tolerated the lies, the justifications, the moral compromises. Enough is enough.

  • If you call yourself Catholic, then you must reject abortion completely.
  • If you support abortion, stop calling yourself Catholic—you are not in communion with the Church.
  • Priests and bishops must publicly denounce abortion and deny Communion to anyone who promotes it.
  • We must speak boldly and without fear against this evil, no matter who it offends.
  • We must pray, fast, and work tirelessly to end the culture of death.

To those who have had abortions, there is always forgiveness in Christ—but only if there is true repentance. God’s mercy is infinite, but it is not automatic. It requires a genuine turning away from sin. Without repentance, there is no forgiveness.

To those who persist in their pro-abortion stance, heed this warning:

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness.” (Isaiah 5:20)

The choice is clear. You cannot serve both God and the world. You cannot be Catholic and pro-abortion. And if you die in this sin, you will face eternal damnation.

It’s time to stop pretending. It’s time to choose sides. You are either with Christ, or you are against Him.

Which will it be?

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